We are asked in the office to list down our ideas about these two questions;

1. What type of product/service that we want to give our clients?

2. What did you learn as a person as of today? (Which is further breakdown into 3 categories i.e. You, Communication,  Clients)

After a night of contemplation and pondering of ideas here’s what I wrote:

1. What type of service/product we want to give out clients?

–  A service / product with quality. Quality means, free from errors and generate accurate reports which will aid the clients in the decision making that will benefit the company

–  A service / product that will give the clients the solutions that they’re longing for and will satisfy them.

–  A service / product that is one of a kind. We may have plenty competitors on the product that we are offering the clients, but the key to that is the service that we will provide. If the clients need us, we’re there.

–  A service / product that clients will appreciate and would never be a regret to them.

–  We must be committed to any service/product that we provide. Commitment at its peak.

2. What did you learn as a person as of today?

** YOU (These are the several things that I learned these past few weeks. Some are thru experiences and others are thru my reading. I will try to do/adopt these things to help me improve as an individual, hope others will learned from it too.)

–  Notice what is Right. Instead of focusing on the wrong things/ doings, focus more on what is right and take some actions about it. Take all that life throws out on you and reframe it with what’s right about the situation. At the end of the day, you will be more content, at peace and be happy. Take the time to begin to notice what’s right and see the world change.

–   Stand up for what you believe in but at the same time; make sure you do it in a respectful manner to others. We all have different beliefs and values in life, we stick to it, and we fight for it. During this course, we often forget that we crossed/ step over someone, never minding that others have their beliefs too just like yours.

–  Don’t sulk and show gratitude. Learn to be grateful. Rather than sulking and focusing on the blessings and favors that the others received, why not be thankful with what you have. Each of us receives blessings/ favors differently and in a different time. When you’re grateful enough you will be open to receive an abundance of joy and happiness and blessing will continue to pour.

–   Accept what is, even if things don’t go your way.

–  Positive thoughts are powerful and empowering. Always be positive.

–  Don’t talk to others if you have issues with someone in a workplace. Keep the problem as quiet as possible. Don’t talk to others within the workplace about your issues. If you need to vent, find someone who is outside of the problem like a spouse or a friend. You do not want to assassinate your adversary’s character. You do not need to bring up your dirty laundry with others.

–  Be willing to compromise. There are two sides to every story. A conflict will not be appropriately resolved if one of the people within the conflict feels that the resolution was not equitable. Winning and losing are not the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is to maintain great relationships to achieve common goals.

–  Learn to accept mistakes, yours and others. We know within ourselves when we made mistakes. No one will do it purposely and there are times when we are not even aware that we commit one. If this is so, instead of dwelling on it and point-fingers, let’s do something about it and Learn. Pride will lead us to nowhere.

–  Holding a grudge over someone is not healthy.


–  Proper and good communication is a tool to help relationships last and run smoothly, make it in work, family, friends etc.

–  Think before you speak. Sometimes we tend to say words that we really not meant to say. Be aware of what we are saying and why we are saying it and also be mindful of the person that we’re speaking with.

–  Don’t bad mouth others. In any situation, be it in family or work, it’s not appropriate to bad mouth people. If you’re not happy with a certain individual on what he/she is doing, talk to him/her and work things out. Don’t talk behind his/her back. Talking behind back is the kind of behavior that attracts gossip and negativity and worst will influence others to be like that too. Not only does it reflect badly on you as a person, it also hurts the other party, whether you realize it or not. Be honest and transparent in your communications.

–  Be receptive to what others say. Don’t take criticisms personally. Look for the message in the criticisms instead. Ask yourself: “What made the person say this? What lessons can I take away from this? How does this relate to my situation?” With an open mind, you can have more answers to what you seek.

–  Check mails and texts regularly if permitted. Some important schedules and instructions are relayed thru emailed and text. At the same time, advised the sender if you have received the message relied to you as a confirmation.

–  Don’t talk when angry. Anger makes tongues looser. You might say things that you will regret later. If someone has pushed you to that level of anger, schedule a time which the both of you are able to talk in a reasonable manner. Always be in control of your words, as words can be twisted later.

–  Constant communication and reaching out.


–  Clients are happy when they are satisfied.

–  Clients feel secure when you call them once in a while even though they don’t have problems. A simple hi and hello will do.

–  When cancelling a visit or meeting, make it a day or two before the schedule of the visit and not on the day itself. But in some cases, especially during an emergency, visits need to be cancelled on the  day itself. They will understand, but don’t do it most of the time

–  All concerns and issues with clients must be documented so that there’s no way that we will forget about it and we can addressed it immediately.

–  Keep your schedules so that you will be organized.